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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How is it possible that you can fly cheaper than drive

It seems to me that gas has gotten so expensive that you can fly to the next town cheaper than you can drive your car.  Maybe I don't see the big picture, I would be glad if someone would enlighten me.  On the news we always hear about the airline industry being broke. Well maybe that's true and why its cheaper to fly then drive. If that's so why aren't the airlines gone? I can understand flying to Europe or Hawaii, but driving to the next county should be affordable, if not our prices are way out of line. 

What I'm really worring about is that we are seeing a fundamental change to our society, gone are the days of visiting the sea shore, gone are the days of a drive in the country, we may be seeing the end of travel as we know it.  Only the rich will be traveling regularly, the rest of us peons will save a lifetime for that special road trip to Disneyland, or Yellowstone.